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The Cover Story, The Beginning of the End, talks about Congresss hunt for allies after Mamata Banerjees pullout and UPA 2s new zeal for reforms
The Big Story titled Guns and Butter in Billion-Dollar Deal throws light on the Armys plum small arms contract that has sparked a shadowy lobbying war among global bidders.
The Nation section, Call Him Swami Modi highlights how Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi makes Swami Vivekananda his election mascot.
Another nation story His Friends Killed Our Sontalks about how a case will be reinvestigated as murder after two years.
Special Report on Salman Rushdie titled Thrills and Trauma in the 48 Satanic Zone higlights his engrossingly candid memoirs populated by friends, lovers and protectors and where Rushdie tells the story of living in the shadow of death in a style that matches the best of his novels.
Society section, Lizards for Just Rs 50,000, showcases how Indians are spending more than ever on pets, whom they refer as friends.
Profile of Leszek Borysiewicz is sketched as Man with a Tall Dream. Cambridge Universitys 345th vice-chancellor and one of the worlds top immunologists wants more research partnerships and scientist interactions with India.