India Today - Malayalam

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Highlights of India Today Malayalam issue dated January, 14, 2015. This edition’s cover story looks forward to new trends that make change in 2015 across various sectors in a rapidly transforming nation. The cover story include different takes on politics, economy, workplace, media, cinema, literature, business, food, healthcare, gadgets etc accompanied with a lead essay. The cover story sheds light to how the change in 2015 will affect the way India work, live and entertain and tells about custom made individual tastes. The big story analyses militants resurgency in north eastern states with a special focus on Assam in the wake of recent massacre of 70 people. Their operation and financing modules are also well portrayed along with the story. The developments of new political tie ups in Kashmir after the state election is another story in this issue. The PDP has emerged as the single largest party with 28 seats, but to form a government the party has to shake hands with any of the other parties including BJP. This evidently put party chief Mufti Muhammad Saeed in dilemma. A report from Kochi explains the plight of women workers in a factory working within the premises of Special Economic Zone. The discriminatory behavior of Asma Rubber Products limited management towards women workers with menstruation was the bone of contention. Along with this others issues in company has also came to light. Another local story explains what is in the offing for the Malayalam film industry in 2015. With new and refreshed themes and story telling approaches, a bundle of films are going to hit the screen this year. Putting Mega starts apart; dominance of young stars with equal gender proportions is also evident in the list.