India Today - Hindi

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pHighlights of India Today Hindi 3rd July 2024 issue:p p classMsoNormalIndia Today MDRA Survey 2024p p classMsoNormalBharat Ke Best Collegep p classMsoNormalFor the 28th time, India Today takes stock of the best institutes in 14 streams so that the Class of 2024 can have a clear view of its future and work towards itp p classMsoNormalspan stylemso-spacerun: yes; spanArtsp p classMsoNormalHumanities Ka Avval Addap p classMsoNormalHindu College retains a vibrant, interactive culture of education, making it the place to be in for many an aspiring humanities studentp p classMsoNormalspan stylemso-spacerun: yes; spanp p classMsoNormalMedicalp p classMsoNormalHar Marj Ka Ilaaz Hai Yahanp p classMsoNormalAIIMS Delhi runs ahead of the pack yet again on the strength of close teacher-student ties, the latest in drugs and machinery, quality research and trying out new proceduresp p classMsoNormalspan stylemso-spacerun: yes; spanp p classMsoNormalEngineering Governmentp p classMsoNormalEngineering Chaar Kadam Aage Kip p classMsoNormalWith industry tie-ups and focus on research, IIT Delhi continues to nurture brilliant minds who can tackle global challenges with innovative solutionsp p classMsoNormalspan stylemso-spacerun: yes; spanp p classMsoNormalLawp p classMsoNormalDaleel Aur Takneek Ka Melp p classMsoNormalThe institute is gearing up its students with knowledge of new-age tools like Gen AI to prepare them for the legal battles of the futurep