
Tatsat Chronicle

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In this issue, we have focused on the political and development scenario of the Indian State of Uttrakhand. Moreover, in this issue, bold declarations on reducing emissions and attempting to cater for an overheating Earth made at COP26, the climate conference in Glasgow were quickly diluted with major polluters like the United States, Europe and China either unwilling to stump up the cash required to initiate major changes in emission levels, or towards reducing them over a manageable timescale. Lip service continues to be paid towards the cause of the environment but the next generation of Earth’s inhabitants, the youth, are clearly far from satisfied with what the “leaders” of the planet have proposed thus far.    In like vein, we present a snapshot of the lopsided development, of the Blue Mountains or Nilgiris of Tamil Nadu that fell victim to misplaced attempts at development and to political expediency, and where now efforts are geared towards redressing the balance. While much has been achieved, a great deal remains to be done in an area that can provide a roadmap to restore other fragile and ecologically rich micro-environments.