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Is India’s booming startup scenario leading to a bubble This issue’s cover story explores the various facets of the country’s startup environment—funding, infrastructure, and nurturing of talent. Michael Henderson, author and corporate anthropologist at Cultures AT Work tells us why a company’s culture and strategy should go hand in hand. Mayank Khanduja, Vice-President at SAIF Partners, talks about easy funds flow in the startup world. Sramana Mitra, Founder of 1M1M, delineates the future of entrepreneurship in India while Nishant Patni, CEO of CultureAlley, traces his journey of building English-App, one of the most-sought-after educational apps in India. It is imperative to promote young talent and inculcate in them entrepreneurial skills, observes Pranav Kumar Suresh, CEO of Startup Village.
The issue also comprises articles on leadership by Herminia Ibarra, author of Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader, and Gerard Seijts of Ivey Business School. Tripti Lochan, CEO of VML QAIS, identifies the 3 Cs of digital content marketing while Vivek Mehra, CEO of SAGE India, analyzes the risks and opportunities in the Indian publishing industry. In an interview Kavil Ramachandran, author of The 10 Commandments for Family Business, lays down the principles a family business should abide by.