Marwar India

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  Marwari women have made great strides in recent years, but there was a time when their roles were restricted to homemaking. One among them was Lata Bajoria, the wife of jute baron late Arun Bajoria, whom we have featured on our cover this issue. Lata Bajoria’s journey of self-discovery has made her what she is today—an entrepreneur, a social worker, a philanthropist and a naturalist. We have also featured Vedant Birla on our cover this issue, the son of industrialist Yash Birla and the chairman and managing director of Birla Precision Technologies Ltd. Hardwork, ambition, motivation and discipline—with all of these, the youngster is taking Birla Precision Technologies to new levels of success.   Being a Marwari is more a way of life, an upholding of an established system of values, beliefs, traditions and practices, which Deepak Jalan, the managing director and CEO of Linc Pen & Plastics Limited exemplifies and has brought out in an essay penned by him. The story of Gautam Mohanka, who has transformed his fledgling family solar power business into a flourishing enterprise, is inspiring. Mohanka resorts to innovation and R&D to provide indigenously manufactured domestic and industrial solar products and solutions.   With changing industry dynamics and increasing dependence on digital technology, lack of skilled workers and the need for the existing workforce has become a necessity. Youngster Girish Singhania, the founder of EduBridge India offers myriad skilling, upskilling and reskilling opportunities, some in collaboration with corporate giants. With all this and more, we bring you yet another interesting issue of MARWAR.