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As we welcome 2015 with great enthusiasm, the January 2015 edition of Apparel is mainly focused on ‘Fresh Insights’ for the New Year. With the 60th National Garment Fair to be held on January 28-29, 2015, the Curtain Raiser article gives a prelude to the Fair and what to expect from it. A wide range of topics are covered in the January 2015 edition. In the ‘Industry Insights’ section, the Zara success story is covered and the business model that has made Zara so big is deciphered. An overview of what 2015 holds for the apparel industry in terms of trends in business and fashion is very informative. Branding strategies employed by apparel brands to appeal to the Indian consumer are comprehensively explained and an article which gives insights into innovations and new trends in winter wear clothing is apt for this season and is sure to interest the reader. In the ‘Brand Profile’ section, three popular kids’ wear brands are profiled and the secret that makes them tick in this competitive space is decoded. In the ‘Feature’ section, the concept of a geographical indication and why it is so important for India to protect the Khadi trademark is explained. In the ‘Fashion Speak’ section, it is all glitz and glamour as the Pune Fashion Week and Indzyn 2014 are covered. Our ‘Regulars’ section covers a round-up of important news in the apparel world nationally and globally, a look at what’s trending, a sneak peek into the newly launched stores and forthcoming events in the world of apparel. All in all, the January 2015 Apparel edition is bound to captivate the reader.