PR Communication Age

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In this issue we have covered articles on  Titbits of Public Relation- from its starting till new normal situation - Anabil Bhattacharya; Smartphone: Really smart in teaching life and leadership lessons!!!!!!!!! - Sachin Bansal; Change Management - Requisite of Modern day Bank Management - Abhinav Jain; Goal Setting, A Roadmap for Future - Raj Singh Gaur; Carving Self - - Sachin Bansal;Is Consumer Engagement to be kept top priority in times like Covid 19 - Jay Rathod; Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance - Ajay Chandra Pandey.   We have covered featureson Digital India: Power to Empower; Internet Governance and Security of Cyber Space; Public Relations in the Digital Age: What You Need to Know; Digital PR: Its About More Than SEO; Why Public Relations Matters To Manufacturers; Essential guide to effective PR; WhatsApp privacy policy: Sanctity, privilege of personal communication needs to be maintained - Ravi Shankar Prasad; 8 digital marketing KPIs you cant ignore; Online experience improves in India driven by teenagers, Microsoft says; India to see marginal hike in average salary to 6.4 in 2021: Survey; Stop Scripting Your Speeches; Social distancing and the suffocation of relationships; Higher pay will pay for itself.