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16 The Dalit Downside Is India turning its reservation policies upside down Are these policies diluted in the slimy soup called vote-bank politics after three decades of Mandal mathematics 30 What, No Google Go Find Yourself If you graduated without Google, we respect you. We know what’s Facebbok without friends, YouTube without videos, or Gmail without mails, Google with no results…Now, can you survive a day without it 44 Gray’s Anatomy Young India has a problem in hand—a rapidly ageing population that needs care. Will the country let our elderly die alone, uncared for Our photo-essay peeks at this sensitive subject. 52 They Say Hootie Hoo Why cricket commentators are often accused of running a gauntlet of hostile opinion during live telecasts 56 Gaddi, Magahi, Sherdukpen… Passion, not commerce, drives a band of intrepid filmmakers to make movies in relatively lesser-known languages and dialects 4 LETTERS 62 BOOKS 64 GLITTERATI 66 DIARY