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Best In the biz 33 We went over hundreds of B-schools in the country to pick out the top 100. Outlook ranks them according to several pertinent categories in this issue. Deciding the full course 54 All the things to keep in mind for hoosing the right business course Master of Tongues 56 It pays to be a multilingual professional Sick threads 62 The factors troubling the carpet industry of Kashmir Brand New view 68 Private universities have been reinventing themselves, all for providing better opportunities an app launch pad 70 A British initiative to promote apps made by innovative minds in India, particularly the east chief chef 76 The story of a restaurateur who was once a management guru All teched out 84 Behind the latest best-selling brands in the market are tech-based venture capitals Broadband lesson plan 90 Needless to say, the internet age has transformed education. A peek inside our ‘connected’ classrooms. On Paper Prospe cts 92 Specialised foreign degrees and a global perspective, heirs of India’s family businesses look well prepared In The usa 106 The latest trends from business schools in the United States It’s Raining Hits 108 Bollywood biz has been exceptionally good this year with a string of hits, some even unexpected. Sanning this golden run