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Dear Reader,
The New Year has begun; Hope you are all fit and fine. You have to take pledge for the time to come, such as staying healthy, eating good food, giving time for your work, family time etc. Lets start with the editorial. At the beginning of the New Year, we all must have taken some resolution, it should be reviewed once. Some such resolutions have been made in the editorial that you can definitely complete if you have not yet taken the resolution. With which a new dimension will start appearing in your life.
Now we move on to the next story, which is page number six. Under the title of winter care, you can read what to do if it is too cold so that we can avoid it. Next story is located page number eight. Under the new title, you can read which blood group type people should what eat and what not. The next story is on page number 10. Under the self-care title, there is a story about some morning habits. By adopting some such habits, you can make your whole day good and energetic.
Now we talk about the cover story which is located on page number sixteen. This time the cover story is Cold Water Bath Therapy, it is a challenge to take a cold water bath therapy during the winter, but it is very good in the days of summer and rain. health care is better if taking the cold water bath therapy. It has a very positive effect. This therapy is very popular in many countries and players of the world, but most people do not know about it. Cold water bath therapy should not be taken on very cold days. Which has been written in great detail, hope you will like it.
Other articles that you will like. Share Life Care Magazine in your friends and families. Stories listed below. Health mantra,Winter Care,Something New,Self Care,Food Corner Good to eat papaya,Kitchen Corner,Cover Story Cold water therapy,Womans Health Dry fruits in pregnancy,Health Tips Gas in the stomach,Beauty Funda Use a color and strainer on the hair,Fitness Funda Using of Weight Loss Gadgets,Graphics Be careful in Kite Festival,Lifecare, LifeCareNews, 107Issue, 10January 2020,