Fortune India

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The Battle for the Economic Idea of India OUR FIRST ISSUE of 2015 centres on ideas. The biggest of them all is the economic idea of India. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s sweep to power on the back of Narendra Modi’s promises of development, and its subsequent wins in a handful of state elections, has cemented the belief that India is decisively turning Right. Equally, the Congress’s poor showing can be interpreted as a rejection of its policies. But is it really as stark as that Then there’s the idea of private car usage.Uber may be a lightning rod for controversy wherever it operates, but it heralds a new era of transportation. Call it the rise of disaggregated mass transportation: It has all the benefits of owning a private car, without actually having to own one. The previous year was one of major change. What does 2015 have in store Will all these major changes impact the way business gets done Fortune India is strategically placed at the juncture of business, politics, and economics, and deciphers much of what is happening to predict some broad trends for the coming year. The result is a balanced package of hard analysis and in-depth reportage, presented in the visually lavish way that has come to typify Fortune India.