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The practice of architecture has its highs and lows. As we all know, thecompletion of any project requires extensive coordination with the client,consultants, the buildercontractor, building authorities, governmentalbureaucracy, etc. The project typology and the design development process are ofequal relevance and importance for the architect and the latter consuming amajor chunk of the time. Every project has its own challenges— and its ownsatisfying factors. We decided to delve a bit more in these issues and establishedcontact with some architects in the country who have been earnestly,purposefully and sensitively involved in evolving their designs and have beenequally concerned and participant in the shaping of the final end product. Weasked them to share with us the project details of the ‘most challenging andpreferred project of theirs’. A difficult task indeed to pin-point one project whenheshe has given equal attention, time and involvement to the development ofthe other projects also. However, they rationalised their works and then sent across their respectivemost satiating project. These projects are their pick— probably the preferencehaving been bestowed for different reasons and factors which some havearticulated. The time-frame of when these projects were built ranges from therecent to earlier period of their practice. Take for example Doshi’s Husain-DoshiGufa now called the Amdavad ni Gufa. It was built nearly thirty years back but isstill very dear to the architect and so also to the user-public. For architects BrindaSomaya and Sanjay Mohe, it was getting involved in the designing of educationalinstitutions for children which brought out the best in them. PremChandavarkar’s fulfilment came when associated with the project to provideshelter for the dying destitute initiated by the Missionaries of Charity. SenKapadia shares his cherished experience of designing a house for an artist. Our section ‘Exploring design’delves into the creative aspectsinvolved in designing in metal. Withtechnological advancements in theindustry, crafting metal in differentversatile forms has become thatmuch more exciting. Whether it be achair or then an installation,designers today are viewing differentmetals for their varying aesthetics indefining a mood.