Akram Youth

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Friends, we have already stepped in the New Year of 2016, after bidding good bye to 2015. During the year that elapsed, several good-bad, likable-unlikable, desirable-undesirable incidents touched our lives. We may have felt happy experiences many times and sometimes sad experiences must have shaken us up. However, all this happened and passed away! In the year 2016 also, similar incidents will occur and go away. Generally we are gripped by our past circumstances and are unable to set ourselves free from it. We are aware that time constantly goes by. It is natural. But many times the knowledge of accepting this eternal truth and steering the boat of our lives and keeping it steady, in turbulent water is lacking. In this issue we will develop the insight as to how to remain happy in these constantly changing phases of the world, NN hich the Gnani described as the hollow world drama. And we will look in to the lives of people who in spite of facing adverse situations, went ahead and accepted every challenge without losing confidence. We will study some awe-inspiring cases in the life of certain people. May the New Year of 2016 bring lots of happiness in your life and also give you strength to hold your head high under all circumstances.