Akram Express

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Friends, Mum, please get me the same shoes as my friends!; Look Ive got a hair cut just like Aishwarya Rais.; I also want a bat like Sachin Tendulkars. Oh Ho Ho! Just copying people all day long! Do you know how much energy we are using up when we put aside our own inherent qualities and look at what others are doing, how they are doing it and by imitating them What do we get in return Has anyone honoured us by garlanding us or given us any medals Not a thing In that case, why waste L time imitating others Siam So come, in this issue let us obtain the correct understanding from Pujya Dadashri, so that we stop imitating others. In addition, if we really want to copy others, let us find out whom we should copy so that we may benefit from it.