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Hi friends! Have you ever wondered where the term ‘mad scientist’ comes from It is said that the first mad scientist figure was created by writer Mary Shelley in her 1818 novel Frankenstein. In the novel, a scientist named Victor Frankenstein conducts secret experiments and brings a ‘monster’, that he created from the body parts of other people, to life! The figure of an eccentric person with bizarre ideas and weird inventions, both heroic and villainous, is so popular that I am sure you have seen them in several comics, cartoons and movies. And now, with a little help from us, even you can become a mad scientist! Here’s how: First, give yourself a mad scientist name with any one of these prefixes: Dr, Prof, Ms or Mr. E.g. Dr Evilantennae. Next, give yourself a quirk. It could be twitching eyebrows, a squinting left eye or a funny walk. Now create a mad invention. Try to be as bizarre as possible! E.g. Flesh-eating postboxes And now for the final touch. Think of a mad scientist evil plot! E.g. ‘Hold the city at ransom with flesh-eating postboxes!’ Ta-da! You are now a mad scientist! Have a Super Science September!